"Your local job search in Mindanao"
For your real estate needs visit my real estate page at myrealtyonline.blogspot.com or contact ALEXANDER SINGCOL JR. +639053117925 or email me at alexander.singcoljr@gmail.com.
Are you an employer who has a job opening? Call us at +639053117925 or email us at alexander.singcoljr@gmail.comand we will post it for you. Looking for a job? Visit iliganjobs.blogspot.com.
Looking for the best eats around Iligan? Visit iliganrestaurants.blogspot.com "Happy eating".
Looking for the best accommodations while visiting the Philippines? Visit hotelsandaccommodations.blogspot.com. We provide listings of best hotels with reviews.
Contact ALEXANDER SINGCOL JR @alexander.singcoljr@gmail.com or call +639053117925 and lets get that properties for rent get rented and or sold.